Free Employee Scheduling Software

Employee Scheduling Software

Build and communicate employee schedules online. Obsolete your time-clock and get payroll right. Get a free account to start.

The Old Way
employee scheduling without excel - the old way
The TixTime Way
employee scheduling without excel - the new way
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Obsolete Your Timeclock

Nobody would miss a time-clock smashing party. You would be there, right? What if you were the one that started it. If this was your idea. You would be a hero to everyone who ever slid fingers over that clock. Your employees. Your boss. Everyone. (And don't forget yourself!)

Your employees count on you to get payroll right. They bank on you, even. This is the one thing you must get exactly right — and every time. You take a lot of responsibility tracking employee hours, right? And now its just expected. You deserve way more credit. But what if you could get payroll exactly right, every time, just by clicking one button?

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employee work schedule maker scheduling employee work schedule maker scheduling

Stay On Budget

Being understaffed puts strain on everyone. Your employees have to work harder to fill the gap. The work experience is not fun. Make sure you have the right people — in the right place — at the right times. You'll boost employee morale and your customers will notice.

Be Covered

Visualizing a schedule can help make sure you have the coverage you need for each department or location and for each employee skill throughout the day. Charts are available for Daily and Weekly views and you can zoom all the way into a day to see how scheduled breaks align for constant coverage.

Employee Self-Service & Mobile

Will employees miss shifts they don't know about? Of course. What if you send an email with the schedule? Make it automatic. You will reduce absenteeism and lates.

Do your employees call you to check schedules? Or check the wall? Maybe they just stay uncertain. How is this: They open your app. Your online employee schedules are available everywhere. On desktop and mobile.

employee scheduling software and work schedule shift maker employee scheduling and work schedule shift maker work schedule shift maker
employee scheduling software and work schedule shift maker

Get Payroll Right

Your employees count on you to get payroll right. They bank on you, even. This is the one thing you must get exactly right — and every time. You take a lot of responsibility tracking employee hours, right? And now its just expected. You deserve way more credit. But what if you could get payroll exactly right, every time, just by clicking one button?

Be Absolutely Certain

“I don't understand my hours.” Uh-oh. Time to double-check everything, right? Frustrating. Get it right to begin with. Your employees will start trusting payroll. You do less double-checking.


Eliminate Data Entry

It takes so much effort to get data entered, right? Does it frustrate you that the smallest mistake can make the grandest problem? Stop manually entering and copying data. Its just not cool, not cool. Its time to defeat data entry. You can claim victory.


Reduce Stress

You know it. Your employees know it. Even the headlines say it: Stress is bad. And are they right? Of course. So why is something so simple to define still causing stress? There is not a single reason why employee attendance, scheduling, and payroll should be a source of stress. Not for anyone, not anymore.


Ditch Your Spreadsheets

Archive them, delete them, burn them if you can. Do whatever it takes. You can achieve spreadsheet freedom. Spreadsheets are just not designed to handle the complexity of this type of sensitive data. Your job is serious. People depend on you. Do you want to use the right tool for the job?


Respect Your Time

Do you enjoy your phone ringing constantly? The line up at your desk near payday? Its not fair, is it. You put in time, effort, and work hard to make things happen. Take back your time. Remove the urgency. You can manage all of this a lot easier.


Be More Organized

Ever stick a sticky note on top of another? Or lose a scrap of paper? Forget it. You can have everything in one place. You'll be more organized. You won't forget things. And your employees will know that you can be trusted.


Retain Talent

Hiring takes so much of your effort. Attracting. Interviewing. Selecting. Training. It takes a lot of time. Is it worth it to lose employees for reasons you control? Get attendance, scheduling, and payroll right. Keep morale up, keep your best employees.

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