EMS Scheduling Software

The Old Way
employee scheduling without excel - the old way
The TixTime Way
employee scheduling without excel - the new way
Zero obligations. Credit card not required.
police scheduling icon
EMS Scheduling Software

Police. Fire. Emergency Services. Search & Rescue. City Services.

Your job description includes delivering impossibly amazing customer service. And doing it while saving money. Sound familiar? Oh — and you don't have any time to do it.

Schedule Faster

Imagine that you don't waste any more time on scheduling. Ever. Could you do more of the work you like? The work you'd rather be doing? Focus on your employees, not figuring out dispatch scheduling software. What if you could build schedules your employees love — and want to show up for — and spend less time doing it?

Obsolete Your Time Clock

Nobody would miss a time-clock smashing party. You would be there, right? What if you were the one that started it. If this was your idea. You would be a hero to everyone who ever slid fingers over that clock. Your employees. Your boss. Everyone. (And don't forget yourself!)

Get Payroll Right

Your employees count on you. They bank on you, even. This is the one thing you must get exactly right — and every time. You take a lot of responsibility tracking employee hours, right? But now its just expected. You deserve way more credit. But what if you could get payroll exactly right, every time, just by clicking one button? Law enforcement scheduling software will help.

Full Shift Coverage

You need full coverage from your guard scheduling software. At all times. Right? What if someone calls in sick, or missing a shift. You are responsible to fill that shift.

Communicate Better

Improve communication amongst your team. Schedules should never be a question — everyone always needs to know when to work. Security guard scheduling with full coverage is faster with the right software.

Safety First

Having complete coverage on all of your shifts improves safety. Can your dispatch team function without enough teams to dispatch? Can your response teams respond without backup available?

Flex your Workforce

When you have a big event or a busy weekend in town you know you need to flex your workforce. You summon every employee you can.

Attendance Employees Appreciate

Having your officers track their hours can be a tough job all on its own. What if your employees liked using the attendance system?

ems and police attendance time clock software

Better EMS scheduling starts here